Araujo and Pacheco

What are they?

Araujo and Pacheco are drugstores in Brazil. While Araujo acts only in Belo Horizonte and its metropolitan area, Pacheco has stores in the whole southeast region of Brazil.

Competitives Advantadges:

  • While the products sold on those stores are pretty similar, Araujo has more options of brands, and more storage of supplies than Pacheco
  • The prices are really similar but come specific goods are cheaper on Araújo.
  • While Pacheco’s price is usually fixed, Araujo has promotions in holidays, such as easter and christmas. But pacheco has done several donations projects that are related to health. The most common ones being blood donation and money donation for cancer research.
  • Strategic alliances
    • Araujo: The company has a project with Hospital da Baleia that customers can donate their exchange when they buy on the store to the cancer treatment hospital.
    • Pacheco: In 2015, the drugstore donated 100 thousand dollars to the town hall of Mariana after the disaster that happened in the city.
  • Customer services
    • Araujo offers:
      • Cellphone chargers
      • Parking lot
      • Free Wi-fi
    • Pacheco offers:
      • It offers the possibility of the customer buying their goods in six different states
      • Vaccine applications
      • Bank machines


  • Araújo:
    • With a strong red on their names, Araújo calls their customers to join their store and find what they need. The blue edges represent giver a trust feeling to their customers, what is really important to a drugstore.Resultado de imagem para araujo logo
  • Pacheco:
    • Using the same colors as araujo pacheco wants to achieve precisely the same goals. The red calls attracts customers to your store and the blue cross by its side represents how trustful the company is.    Resultado de imagem para pacheco logo

Iowa Corners

Hello, Iowa soccer fans. Your lack of professional teams has ended. We have the pleasure to present you the Iowa Corners, the newest MLS team. Soccer is increasing its popularity during the last years in the U.S.A. Also, Des Moines (Iowa’s capital and our team’s home) has a big French community. They are excited about soccer, especially with the French 2018 World Cup title.
Iowa is a state with a big agricultural production and that is the biggest corn producer in the U.S.A. (about 6% of the World corn production). Taking this into consideration, we decided to create the Iowa Corners. The name is a tongue-twister: corns (representing the state) + corners (a place of the soccer field).
The selected colors for the organization were yellow and green. This was our choice because of two reasons: first, and logical, these are the corn colors. Second, yellow means optimism (a needed feeling for our fans) and green means peace (one of our principles is the fair play).
Our advertisement will focus on making the local people support our team. The first step will be creating two outdoors announcing the existence of our team and calling people to games. Those outdoors will be strategically positioned in the city. The first one will be on the triple crossroads of the routes 35, 80 and 235 on the northern entrance of the city. The other one will be on the center of the city on the crossroads of the route 235 and the E University Avenue. The other strategy to promote our brand will be reaching the young people. To achieve this goal we will sell Jerseys and T-Shirts of our team in the Drake University and the University of Des Moines, the two institutions with the most number of students in the city. We will also raffle game tickets for the students of those colleges.

Iowa Corners e7216740-532e-47eb-98f8-58bbd3fbd619

Companies can predict the future

Shopping and using services provided by companies can be a risky activities depending on where are you doing these necessities. Many times the company can get information about your personal life only by analyzing what you are doing or buying. Some specific products for example can be a clue to find out if you are passing through a hard time.

Target, the market company, was able to discover about the pregnancy of a teenager before the parents of the child only by verifying what she was buying. That can be scary, to feel observed and analized, but at the same time it can be helpful, to guarantee if there’s any hidden problem you are passing through and you don’t even know.

So, when you are buying something, be aware of your acts, and try to ask to a company what kind of information they took from you, to use the data in your favor. They don’t want to harm you, it’s all about making the right announcement to the right person. Next time you receive a pregnancy propaganda check twice if you are pregnant or not.

Kashmir Hill, Forbes Magazine, “How target figured out a teen girl was pregnant before her father did” accessed 21 of August, 2018,

The media is only one of the State’s weapons

The media by itself can never built or construct a reality because the reality is made up when someone or some institution distorts information aiming to change people’s point of view about any situation or issue. The reality, when it’s constructed by someone, can never have a positive aspect, since the construction of an existence part from the assumption that some authority would change information or would try to make a brainwash on its population.

In situations which the media gives it opinion they are only arguing and proposing solutions, but when the reality is changed there must be a plan of population control or accumulation of votes by unethical ways. And the only one who can and will use this route to gather up power is the state, the only authority that can manipulate facts to make people satisfied when they are being oppressed and neglected. As an example of how it works, this video presents how North Korean government passes an image of sadness and pain to their population because of the death of one of most totalitarian dictator on Earth’s history.